Redgate Sql Server Search

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Redgate Sql Server Search 7,1/10 4653 votes

Redgate SQL Search. When working with larger SQL Server databases that contain thousands of objects, finding a particular one can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Likewise, when working with an unfamiliar database, it can be hard to locate specific keywords and snippets of SQL code. Microsoft's SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). SQL Server Management Studio To open SQL Search in Management Studio, click SQL Search in the Redgate toolbar: If you can't see the Redgate toolbar, enable it by right-clicking in the toolbar area and clicking Redgate.

If you already have SQL Search installed, and you install a new version of Management Studio, SQL Search won't appear in the new version of Management Studio. To use SQL Search in the new version of Management Studio, you need to repair the SSMS Integration Pack Framework installation:. Open Programs and Features. Right-click SSMS Integration Pack Framework 1 and select Repair. You should now be able to use SQL Search in the new version of Management Studio. If SQL Search still doesn't appear in Management Studio after repairing the SSMS Integration Pack Framework, uninstall SQL Search and the SSMS Integration Pack Framework 1 and then reinstall SQL Search, which will also automatically reinstall the SSMS Integration Pack Framework 1.

I have had the exact same problem (SSMS freezing when clicking SQL Search) ever since upgrading to SQL Search version 2 on. SSMS doesn't seem to freeze up every time, just most of the time. Until today I hadn't thought about searching for other users reporting this problem but I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person having this issue.

So far at,my company, I am the only user that has upgraded SQL Search so I am the only person here that has this issue. One thing I've noticed that seems to help is if there are NO databases connected in the SSMS object explorer when I open SQL Search and then I leave the SQL Search tab open I am able to use the tool. Once the SQL Search tab is opened I am able to open one or more databases without any problems (at least up to this point). If I do have one or more databases connected the first time I try to open a SQL Search tab, more often than not SSMS will freeze and I'll have to use Windows Task Manager to kill SSMS entirely. To summarize: Open SQL Server Management Studio If database(s) are connected in the SSMS Object explorer and I leave them open, most of the time when I click SQL Search, SSMS Freezes. If database(s) are connected in the SSMS Object explorer and I close them, every time I have clicked SQL Search it opens without any issues. If no databases are connected in the SSMS Object explorer, every time when I click SQL Search it opens without any issues.

Once the SQL Search tab is open I can connect to one or many databases in the SSMS Object explore with no issues I don't think it matters but I have the Red Gate developer suite installed. I can report the same memory consumption problem when using SQL Search, using v2.1.0.98. After startup, working set memory on local machine is 130-160MB, with SQL Search installed as an Add-in. Connecting to a DB server, opening a SQL Search window, running a search, and then a reindex, and then closing the search window and disconnecting from the server can have working set memory bounce between 150MB and 1GB. Working set memory can be maintain at any level in between, and can drop down after being stable at a higher level. Memory movement is not predictable. Local machine has 8GB RAM, 64-bit OS.

Running Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 12.0.2000.8 (SQL Server 2014 Mgmt Studio) as 32-bit, so addressable memory is limited to 4GB overall. Excessive memory use of SSMS triggers out of memory condition, as one would expect. I do not have any other RedGate tools installed.

I like the tool, but this behavior is not acceptable. Please let me know if a solution is available. Hi Redgate folks. I can tell you that I still experience this memory-driven crash issue. I have shifted to running SQLSearch only in a separate session on a server with 32GB RAM, and SQLSearch can still crash but much less frequently, and so running it in a separate instance is much better than on my primary hardware. I also have to ensure that I limit the index search to the fewest databases as possible, which reduces the utility of the software.

I still feel the tool has some nice capabilities and can be useful as long as users are able to isolate the instance adequately. Hi; I'm sorry you're seeing this problem - it's not something we've seen internally, so I've filed a bug report (SDI-687) indicating that under some circumstances it appears to consume more memory than expected and crash out Management Studio. As we've not seen this happen internally it would help if we had a little more detail to narrow down what we're looking for - in particular, do the databases you are searching contain a very large number of objects, or any programmable objects (stored procedures, functions, etc) with an unusually large amount of code in them? Regards Chris. Hi Chris, I am still having this issue with SSMS 2008R2. Basically if I have any servers connected in the object explorer and click the SQL Search button at the top SSMS will freeze. After that the 'is Busy' button normally appears if I click any thing in the Object explorer window, although sometimes it doesn't do anything at all.


Eventually I have to use task manager to manually kill that SSMS instance and just hope if I have more than one window open that I get the right one. The size of the database doesn't appear to make any difference as I've tested this on small servers (local) to HUGE servers with tons of SQL objects. The freezing is always the same.

If I'm sure there are no servers connected in the object explorer window before I click the SQL Search button the SQL Search window opens without any issues. After it's open I can connect to as many servers in the object explorer as I want without any problems. If I have no servers connected in the object explorer, open SQL Search, connect to a SQL server, close SQL Search and then re-open SQL Search while still connected to the server, SQL Search opens without any issues. I also use SSMS 2014 and none of these issues occur in that environment.

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I'd like to add to this post as well. Also experiencing crashes since upgrading.

MS SQL Server Management Studio 2012. RedGate Error Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db937bc2d44ff139' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Windows Error Problem signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: Ssms.exe Problem Signature 02: 2011.110.5058.0 Problem Signature 03: 537406e3 Problem Signature 04: mscorlib Problem Signature 05: 4.0.9 Problem Signature 06: 534894cc Problem Signature 07: 2244 Problem Signature 08: 9 Problem Signature 09: System.ArgumentNullException OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 3081 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Thank you.