Opening Prayer For Sunday Service

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Opening Prayer For Sunday Service 8,5/10 2021 votes
  1. Opening prayers and praises. An opening prayer or act of praise is a significant opportunity to express our desire to encounter God together. These or other prayers and praises may introduce a service. They may also be included later at section 7, after the confession of sin and assurance of forgiveness. As well as inviting us to praise.
  2. Opening Prayer. From our God who loves us with an everlasting love, who brings forth a new creation in Christ, who leads us by the Spirit in the wilderness: Grace and abundant mercy be with you all. And also with you. Short Palm Sunday Prayer. Almighty God, on this day, your son Jesus Christ entered the holy city of Jerusalem and was.
  1. Sample Prayer For Sunday Service
  2. Christian Opening Prayer For Sunday Service

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Jump to Opening Prayer Points for Sunday Service - Best collection of opening prayer points for Sunday service. These opening prayers will open.

(There is no need to credit the re:Worship blog itself.) Submissions: I am so grateful to those of you who send me your own material to post! We all benefit from your creativity and generosity. If you haven't previously submitted something but would like to, you can find my email address by clicking on my name in the 'About Me' section below. Looking for something? Here are some indexes that might be helpful: INDEXES: For a complete list of all the indexes on this blog,.

Upcoming Sundays: For lectionary-based worship resources for specific Sundays and other special occasions, see the following: January 6: Se e the. January 13: See January 20: See January 27: See February 3: See February 10: See February 17: See February 24: See March 3: See the or click on the 'Transfiguration' label below. March 6: See the For other worship resources, scroll down to the list of 'Labels' below, or see the 'Search' box above. The author Frederick Buechner once defined ‘vocation’ as “the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” I think I’m living that definition. I’ve spent the last three decades studying, pastoring, teaching and writing about worship, looking for ways to strengthen and deepen our corporate conversations with God.


I’m still not sure how I landed up on this journey, but I’ve never been able to escape the conviction that this is where God wants me, and this is the work I need to be doing.

Communal prayer is when two or more people gather together to raise their minds and hearts to God. A prayer service is a form of communal prayer that follows a set order with designated parts (Leader, Reader, All). In general, prayer services follow a basic pattern.

Gathering/introduction—song, greeting, opening prayer The Word of God—Scripture reading, response, silence Shared prayer—petitions, traditional prayers, litanies, composed prayers, and so on Conclusion—closing prayer, blessing, song In addition, a prayer service may include nonverbal expressions such as gesture and ritual. As a catechist, you will be called upon to lead prayer services from time to time. Here are some things to consider when leading such services. The Role of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit guides all prayer. Prayer leaders do not perform, but offer themselves as a vehicle of the Spirit for those at prayer. Pray to the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire you. Scripture Prayer services should always involve the Word of God so that participants can listen to God speaking to them.

Music Singing and instrumental music are not just frosting on the cake. They are essential ingredients in prayer services. Environment Introduce elements into the environment to create a greater awareness of the sacred.

Consider candles (when appropriate), dimmed lights, enthroned Bible, cross, and objects from nature such as flowers, rocks, and shells. Assembly Participation Don’t think of what just you are doing during prayer.

Ask yourself what the assembly is doing. Be sure to involve the assembly as a whole in the prayer, not just those taking the Leader or Reader roles. Nonverbal Elements Consider the elements of movement and gesture (procession, bowing, venerating the Bible, outstretching hands, laying on hands, blessing) and of symbols (water, oil) as well as of silence. Verbal Elements Follow and borrow from the prayer of the Church (Roman Missal, Liturgy of the Hours): introductory rites, psalm responses, antiphons, penitential acts, collects, intercessions, and blessings. These prayers are rich and evocative and therefore, powerful. Liturgical Feasts and Seasons Pay special attention to the time of the liturgical year (Advent, Lent, feasts, solemnities) when selecting themes and prayers. Know your assembly.

Be aware of the age level of your assembly and their faith development as well as their level of maturity. As when planning a session, be sure of your focus, theme, and goal. Envision the prayer, feel the flow, get a sense of space, time, sound, silence, and so on. Select Readers and assign roles ahead of time. If possible, rehearse with those chosen to read. Include silence. Our lives are noisy already.


Much of our prayer is too wordy. Allow for periods of silence. Be sure to include silence during the prayer service, perhaps after a prayer or a reading. Give instructions beforehand.

There’s nothing worse than interrupting a prayer to give directions such as “the left side takes this part, and the right side takes that part!” Be creative. Consider using appropriate visuals (video, DVD, slides, PowerPoint, and so on). Encourage spontaneous prayer. Not everyone is comfortable with spontaneous prayer, but it is a form of prayer that needs to be taught and fostered. Throughout the prayer service speak clearly and slowly. Proclamation is more than merely reading the text and less than a dramatic performance.

Sample Prayer For Sunday Service

As you speak, try not to bury your head in the text; look at the assembly as much as possible. Speaking in this way will help to involve the participants.

Christian Opening Prayer For Sunday Service

Move with reverence. Moving with reverence means moving not too quickly or slowly, and not stiffly, but with ease and regard for what you are doing. By following these simple suggestions, you can involve yourself effectively and wholeheartedly in a prayer service so that others will follow.