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Tucson Daily Citizen from Tucson, Arizona Page 31 Publication. Intclfioent pels. From $50 and up. 2?82512 afternoon and evenings except on weekend.

EQUIP-Tanzania, launched during the Government’s first, is an education programme that is a catalyst for improved performance of the education system. Our aim is to ensure that every girl and boy has an equal opportunity to benefit from a consistently high quality education, to achieve well and progress to secondary education, vocational training and post education opportunities. EQUIP-Tanzania provides resources to support improved achievement at the classroom and school level. Our focus is on performance. We are working with schools, their stakeholders and the system to improve the quality of children’s learning. High performance is incentivised by reachable milestones for every school, which release further resource.

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Programme staff have been working hard for some months to put the foundation in place for an extremely busy year in which better performance is driven throughout the education system. With EQUIP-Tanzania’s five regional offices now set up and working closely with Regional and District Education Offices, the programme has been supporting government to create a National Quality Education Standard for all primary schools, giving every child the right to a minimum quality of education wherever they are. We are developing a competency framework for head teachers and teachers, to provide direction and guidance to raise the standard of teaching in the classroom. We are supplying reading materials and teachers toolkits to 3,690 schools. We will start to roll out training this year, eventually reaching 49,000 teachers. Amongst the more innovative of our initiatives this year is to provide every head teacher and Ward Education Coordinator (WEC) – that’s more than 5,000 in total – with a tablet that will be used to monitor performance, sending data directly to a dashboard so we can see how schools are performing in real time.

These tablets will also place high quality teaching and learning resources right into the hands of school heads. WEC provide a vital link between district and school but have received little support over the years. To help them visit schools in their area, 744 of them will get a monthly allowance and a motorbike from EQUIP-Tanzania. This will mean they can fulfil their mandate and ensure the district is better able to plan and budget based on accurate information from the field. Good quality information is a critical part of how EQUIP-Tanzania works.

Dashboards – which provide a comprehensive picture of school performance – are being created at district and regional levels to ensure effective planning. At school level we’re developing score cards so that teachers, parents and communities can see how their school is performing. We know that without the support and involvement of local communities, schools will not perform well enough, so community participation is a key part of our approach. We want to encourage parents to take a more proactive role, to support their child’s school and to hold it to account. Our aim is to ensure all children receive a quality education. This means girls performing as well as boys.

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Nwn2 Cd Key Unregistered

It means girls and boys in remote schools learning from teachers who have received the same training as their counterparts in less remote areas. It means children from communities that don’t speak Kiswahili having the same opportunities in primary schools as their peers who have no language barriers. We will keep a regular blog to keep you updated on EQUIP-Tanzania’s successes, the progress of the children and other beneficiaries in our regions and the challenges we face.

Originally posted by:You need to create an nwncdkey.ini file in your Documents / Neverwinter Nights 2 folder. In such you need to have it aligned in such fasion CDKEY Key1=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX Key2=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX key3=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX I checked in my folders, but I can not (for the life of me) figure out how to create an nwncdkey.ini file in my Neverwinter Nights 2 folder. Can someone else please explain how do this this, as I really want to play this with a few friends of mine and I can't. Thanks in advance!!