Nik Plugin Software Free Download

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Even when a product looks as if it’s about to die off, there’s always the chance another company will come out of nowhere to save it. Such is the case with Google’s excellent Nik Collection photo editing software (free to download ), which is being acquired by DxO. Back in 2012, Google German company Nik Software, primarily so it could get its hands on the popular Snapseed photo app. Much to the joy of photographers everywhere, the tech giant reduced the price of Nik’s suite of seven plug-ins from $499 to $149. In March last year, Google went one step further by making the Nik Collection, offering a full refund to anyone who bought it earlier in 2016. While this was welcome news for fans of the software, it suggested that Google could soon end support. Last May, those concerns turned out to be justified; Google announced it had “no plans to update the Collection or add new features over time.” Just when it looked as if the Nik Collection was about to fade away, in steps DxO.

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Nik Plugin Software Free Download

Nik Collection is a robust photo editing suite that is plugin ready for Photoshop, Lightroom, or Aperture allowing you to create professional looking images right from your desktop. Add the power of the Nik Collection by DxO Labs to your workflow today. This desktop graphics suite was a paid service but has recently been offered as freeware.


The company is best known for its image quality benchmarks for phones and cameras over at, and it already makes its own range of. “The Nik Collection gives photographers tools to create photos they absolutely love,” Google Engineering Director Aravind Krishnaswamy told.

“We’re thrilled to have DxO, a company dedicated to high-quality photography solutions, acquire and continue to develop it.” The Nik Collection is made up of Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro, and Dfine. The suite will remain free, but probably not for long. DxO plans to release a new version next year, and it's unlikely to be as generous as Google, so make sure you now.

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There is a sad truth: If some company makes something freely available - unless it comes with a license that allows redistribution! - and ceases to do so, anything available on the internet after that time will be a bootleg copy in nature. I am not commenting on the ethical issues/controversy. Just be aware that sites where files that are legally in a gray or black area are offered, especially if that content seems to be monetized in any way (eg by banner ads), tend to be untrustworthy: Someone who doesn't respect intellectual property in order to profit from running such a site could potentially also be someone who doesn't respect the integrity of your computer or personal data if they can make a profit from not respecting it.

If nik (or a third party THEY (or a reputable publisher like a computer magazine) used to host their download link) still make it available for download even if it isn't advertised, that risk of course is not given. However, anything pointing to a generic file hosting service should be treated with suspicion.