Free English Speaking Listening Practice

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So you want to improve your English and you’re looking for English language lessons online? By number of speakers (either native or as a second language), English is by far the most widely spoken language in the world. That’s why the English language is so popular with language learners.

100 listening exercises for learners of English provide listening practice for different levels and different interests using Hot Potatoes interactive exercises. English Listening A great sampling of free passages from this subscription based webcourse offering diverse English accents, various levels, and assorted speeds, and practical topics. This is a list of over 900 English lessons. You can click on any lesson below to study for free. There are over 9000 audio files to help you improve your English speaking.

Speaking English opens up a world of opportunities in travel, study and work. No matter how you look at it, English is essential to most international communication. This includes business, education and tourism. With that in mind, I’ve searched far and wide to find high-quality free English language lessons online.

These include:. Audio and video English lessons to help with your listening comprehension. English speaking courses to improve your pronunciation. Reading and writing lessons since written English is often very different from spoken Let’s take a look at the different ways you can study the English language for free online. Here are my top 10 free English courses, plus a few bonus courses! Free English Language Lessons Online: My Top Choices Here are my favourite websites for helping you learn English. They’re really useful because they help strengthen your English skills in the four main areas of language learning: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Innovative Language: EnglishClass101 It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Innovative Language’s approach to teaching languages. Right from lesson one, no matter which language you’re learning, you get to hear native speakers use natural speech that’s relevant to everyday life. Has lessons for all skill levels, including lessons for beginners. Not all of the episodes are free, but all are excellent, and there are several free lessons at each level.

They include a combination of video and audio lessons with energetic teachers who are experienced in developing English curriculum for adults. It’s worth giving it a try and – and if it’s a good fit for your learning style – investing in the paid version.

In addition, each lesson comes with written notes about what you’ll learn, to help with your English reading comprehension. There’s also a community forum where you can practise reading and writing by communicating with other EnglishClass101 learners.

A premium membership lets you access the full power of the website. This includes SRS flashcards, quizzes on each lesson, and a feature that lets you record yourself saying lines of dialogue and comparing your pronunciation to a native speaker’s.

USA Learns is a popular, comprehensive, free English course for adults. It has a combination of reading, listening, writing and speaking lessons. It also includes quizzes so you can check your progress. The course was created with funding from the United States government, which is why it’s available free of charge. It’s also why some of the course content feels geared toward newcomers to the United States. For example, one lesson covers vocabulary related to paying taxes in the US. However, even this vocabulary will be relevant to many English learners, not just those in the US.

Every lesson teaches a valuable grammar point as well. The lessons go from lower beginner to intermediate. If you’re an advanced speaker, USA Learns will still be useful to you, but more as a tool for review. Free English Language Lessons Online: Speaking Lessons If you’re at all familiar with Fluent in 3 Months (Fi3M), you’ll know that I believe the best way to learn a language is to speak it. Here’s where you can get started speaking English. Speak in a Week is a free email course from Fi3M that gets you speaking in a new language in just seven days.

If you’ve been learning English for a while and can read it to intermediate level (or with the help of Google Translate), I recommend that you check it out. Next week, you’ll be speaking in English! Find out more about Speak in a Week. Italki If you’re serious about improving your English speaking skills, then you’ll need to have real conversations with native English speakers. How can you find native English speakers to talk with?

Find English speakers who want to learn your language, then offer a language exchange. My favourite website for finding a language exchange partner is. Creating an italki account and finding language partners is completely free. All you have to do is create your profile and select English as your target language. Then you can search for English speakers whose target language is your native language.

Once you find some people, contact them to arrange a at a time that works for both of you. During your language exchange, you’ll take turns talking for a little while in English so that you can practise, and then a little while in your native language so your partner can practise. Not interested in spending half of your time teaching another person about your native language? You can also search for fellow English learners on italki. This way, you can spend your entire conversation speaking in English. The drawback here, though, is that you won’t know for sure whether you’re speaking correctly unless your conversation partner is an advanced speaker.

You can also find on italki to give you spoken English lessons. These lessons do cost money, but prices are often very reasonable, and are well worth the investment. Free English Language Lessons Online: Video Lessons When you use English in real life situations, you will of course be face-to-face with other English speakers. And that’s a good thing as an English learner. Speaking face-to-face with real people like this will give you a lot of visual clues (from their body language) about what they’re saying, even if you don’t understand every single word. Watching English videos is a perfect way to have a similar experience – but from the comfort of your own computer or smartphone.

You can listen to the people talking on the video, while also watching their body language and their surroundings for a better understanding of what they’re saying. Learn English with Let’s Talk is an amazing in-depth collection of bite-sized English video lessons, all available for free on YouTube.

There are hundreds of videos about every aspect of the English language. For example, you’ll find videos about phrasal verbs, words for expressing boredom, words you might hear on the radio, and all sorts of idiomatic expressions. Each Let’s Talk video is about ten minutes long – perfect to watch during your morning coffee break. They aim to teach a neutral, international English, though some lessons focus on specific dialects. English Lessons by EngVid Sometimes it’s difficult to find English video lessons that you really enjoy. It’s not because the material is bad, it’s that you just don’t “click” with the teacher. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could try out several teachers of an English course to find the one that you like most?

Eleven English teachers have made a series of over a thousand video lessons for English learners of every level. The lessons are sorted by proficiency level, topic, and (of course) by teacher. There’s bound to be at least one teacher on here that you connect with. Watch a few lessons by each teacher to find the one that you enjoy learning from the most.

Then settle in and have fun improving your English skills. Sesame Street Long before the Internet, countless kids (and adults!) learned English by watching Sesame Street.

This timeless TV show is still going strong, and you can watch hours of clips for free on YouTube’s. Sesame Street strives to appeal to viewers of all ages.

Many episodes feature celebrities that adults will recognize, while the content remains appropriate for the show’s younger audience. Free English Language Lessons Online: Audio Lessons For English audio lessons that you can listen to anywhere, anytime, podcasts are the perfect choice. You can listen to podcasts on your computer or mobile device, and many episodes are only a few minutes long. This is perfect for when you’re driving to work, walking your dog, or when your bus pulls away exactly one minute before you arrive at the bus stop. Are the perfect time to squeeze in some studying to help you reach fluency faster. Here is a small sample of some of the better podcasts for teaching English as a foreign language. Innovative Language: EnglishClass101 I’ve already mentioned Innovative Language’s podcast as one of my favourite English classes online – and that’s why I’m giving it a second mention.

Whatever your current level of English, you’ll find fun and effective lessons to improve your English skills. With over 1000 lessons you can access from your smartphone or computer, and new lessons added all the time, you’ll never run out of material to learn. There are plenty of, and if you like what you hear, I recommend signing up for the paid version that includes flashcards, quizzes, and access to all the lessons. ESL Pod With over 1200 episodes, is one of the biggest English learning podcasts out there.

The lessons cover a mind-boggling variety of real-life situations. The speaking speed is nice and slow, yet the vocabulary and grammar range from beginner to advanced. Because of the slow, steady speaking pace, this podcast is good for students who want to expand their knowledge of English but whose listening comprehension skills aren’t yet at an advanced level. Go Natural English Podcast Do you like to mix things up? The from my friend Gabby includes lessons on vocabulary and grammar, as well as super useful language study tips. Whether you’re looking for idiomatic expressions, interviews with successful English learners, or info on what NOT to do when memorising English vocabulary, this podcast has something for you. There are at least three new episodes released per week.

So even if you blast through all 100+ episodes in one crazy binge-session, the fun isn’t over yet. Keep checking back every week for new episodes. Free English Language Lessons Online: Reading and Writing Lessons The Internet is bursting with written English, from Wikipedia to news websites, to countless blogs around the world. These are great for intermediate and advanced learners, but not so helpful for beginners. English reading and writing lessons offer a structured approach.

That way, you can learn the basics of English reading and writing, before moving onto the more complex rules of written English. So instead of drowning in the sea of English websites filling the Internet, try the following resources geared specifically to English learners.

Duolingo Currently, has English courses for speakers of the following languages:. Arabic. Chinese. Czech. Dutch.

French. German. Greek. Hindi. Hungarian. Indonesian. Italian.

Japanese. Korean. Polish. Portuguese. Romanian.

Spanish. Turkish. Ukrainian. Vietnamese If you speak any of these languages at at least an intermediate level, you can use Duolingo to learn English grammar and vocabulary through reading, writing and some speaking exercises.

If you don’t speak any of those languages, don’t worry. Duolingo has many more courses in the works for speakers of other languages who want to learn English, so check their website often for release dates. ReadTheory is a reading comprehension website for upper beginners and higher. You need to register, but once you’ve done that it’s completely free.

PracticeEnglish speaking practice videos

With ReadTheory you practise reading passages of English text, then take quizzes about them to see how well you understood. English For Everyone Writing Practice Worksheets If you want to practise writing in English but aren’t sure what to write about, take a look at. Here you’ll find dozens of English writing worksheets for all skill levels. Each worksheet begins with a prompt to guide you about what to write. Some of them begin with part of a story, and it’s up to you to complete the story yourself. Others focus on real-life experiences such as sending a letter to a friend or coworker. There are even a few worksheets that will help you write persuasively.

There is no functionality to grade you on your writing ability on this website. To get feedback, I recommend you read what you’ve written to a native speaker during your next. What are your favourite free English language lessons online? Let me know about them in the comments.

Amy: What have you been pulled over 1 for? Curtis: I’ve been pulled over for tailgating 2 an ambulance. Amy: Oh, my God. I didn’t think that was the story he was going to pick. Curtis: No, this is a very, very bad thing to do. I don’t recommend you doing this.

What’s tailgating? Curtis: Tailgating is following somebody too close. So usually you have to leave a car length in between the car in front of you and your car. And I at that point Amy: Had a very, very bad habit of driving way too close. Curtis: Right.

And in between–or I was in between the emergency ambulance vehicle in front of me and a police car behind me. But I didn’t know it was a police car because it didn’t have the lights. Amy: Oh, it was a ghost car 3. Curtis: It was a ghost car.

Amy: Sneaky 4. Curtis: Or an unmarked car. An unmarked car. Curtis: And right away, he turned on his lights that were on his dashboard and the front of his car and his siren. And he was mad.

Curtis: But I got lucky 5 on that one too. Even though he was mad, he didn’t give me a ticket. Sometimes they let you off. They–like they let you off the hook 6 or I don’t know. They give you, what is it?

Curtis: A warning 7 Amy: Yeah, they give you a warning. Don’t do it again. It’s a written warning. And it goes on record that you’ve been warned about this. But they don’t actually give you a fine.

Curtis: Yeah. He kept track of it for sure. Phrase Explanations:.

Pulled over: Stopped by the police. Tailgating: Driving very closely to the vehicle in front of you. Ghost car: A police car with no lights or markings. Also known as an unmarked car. Sneaky: Doing something in a secret, unfair or not obvious way. I got lucky: To have good luck unexpectedly. Let you off the hook: When you get caught doing something wrong or illegal and you don’t get punished for it.

Free English Speaking Course

‘Let you off’ is the short way of expressing this. Warning: An official notice that you have been warned not to do something again The full of lesson of ‘Driving’ is available when you join as a Free Member! Amy: Hey, this is Amy from Real English Conversations, and today we’re going to be talking about some of the different experiences we’ve had while traveling through various airports. And for the Real English tips we’re going to give you some ways to talk about different time zones. Amy: Hey, guys, this is Amy and Curtis, and today we’re going to do a conversation that one of our listeners actually suggested to us. So who was that?

Curtis: That was Alfredo. And he’s living in Venezuela. Amy: No, he is from Venezuela. Curtis: Oh, okay. Where’s he living? Amy: He’s living in Argentina and working as a pilot. Curtis: Oh, that’s a cool job.

Amy: So what did he ask us to talk about? Curtis: Well, because he is a pilot, he asked us to talk about some of our experiences in airports. Amy: And specifically doing it in another language. Curtis: Yeah. This can be tricky at times.

Amy: Yeah, so if you guys have been listening to the podcasts for a while, you’re going to know we’ve done quite a bit of traveling. I mean, where have we been? We’ve been towe went to Hawaii. Curtis: Yeah. Amy: And we’ve been to California. Curtis: We’ve been to Costa Rica. Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador.

And upcoming we have a trip planned to Ecuador again. And to Colombia.

And this next vacation is going to be three months, and I think we might be able to this time when we go to the airports, we might actually have an experience to do the whole process of the customs and like checking in with the customs agent and getting our passports stamped and stuff. I think we might be able to do it completely in Spanish this time. Curtis: Yeah. I’m feeling a little more confident, that’s for sure.

So the last times that we’ve traveled, we’ve really had a fairly limited level of the language. Amy: You know, because I know when we came back from Ecuador, after we came back, after I had been there for six weeks, I was still just a beginner, looking back now. I thought I was better then than I was, but looking back now I can see I wasI was pretty basic. Curtis: And II was basic basic. Amy: You were like a newbie 1, like End of Preview Join as a our to get access to full lessons including listening and speaking activities to improve your English fluency! Understand Real, Native Speakers in Everyday Conversations Now you can listen to real English Conversations to help you hear the natural way that real people speak in everyday communication.

Learn vocabulary about many different topics and cultural activities as you increase your understanding of real English audio. Feel confident understanding new expressions and the people you are talking to during your own conversations. Each dialogue has a text file (PDF transcription) of the audio so that you can read while you are listening to the English conversations. Join our to download full lessons and listen to them on your MP3 player anytime. Get access to the lessons you need to reach English fluency with speaking and listening lessons that are ideal for beginner (A2 level) to upper-advanced (C2 level).

Download Free English Conversations in MP3 Format We have an English podcast that you can subscribe to so that you receive notifications each time one of our conversational English downloads is ready. If you decide you want to get access to all the lessons, you can join the to download MP3 files, text files (PDF transcription) to read and listen to English offline when you are away from your computer. Practice Your Conversational English Real English Conversations Members have access to activities and lessons that help our members to improve speaking and listening skills quickly to reach fluency. We teach you techniques you can use to develop your English fluency quicker than any other methods or courses you have tried. You can join the live practice sessions or our WhatsApp Speaking Practice group to practice speaking spontaneously with other people.

You will also have access to speaking practice exercises that you can do alone. We give you activities where you can practice explaining different topics to build vocabulary, increase confidence and find all the little words that are missing from your vocabulary (to improve fluency).